Ok, so what does an awkward furry little creature have to do with creating happiness?

Everything. The penguin is a great model. He or she is a determined little animal that lives in mostly impossible conditions. They travel huge distances over difficult terrain to get things accomplished by taking tiny steps and never giving up. They hatch their eggs in freezing conditions by holding them on their feet. The fact that penguins exist is a testament to possibility.

Penguins don’t give up. Penguins protect their young and share responsibilities with their spouses. They mate for life. They are very social creatures and use sign language to communicate with each other. They are an ancient species that appeared 40 million years ago in the Eocene.

Who doesn’t love a determined, loyal, devoted, little, social creature like the penguin. Black and white little buddha penguins say march forward in the direction you want to go and never give up.

Penguin steps are very powerful.