After having low blood pressure all my life, I now have prehypertention. Frankly, I find it hard to comprehend. I have used my home testing blood pressure machine over and over staring at it with disbelieve. How did this happen? I am very active. I go to the yoga several times a week. I never eat junk food. My diet is excellent. I have no family history.

I have lots and lots of STRESS. Most of it I brought on myself. I carry the heavy financial load in my marriage. For some reason, I feel compelled to fix everything instead of just allowing things to be broken. If I just allowed stuff to be broken, then maybe he would fix things too.

Doing less seems easy. I have become a master of walking past a pile of laundry or dishes. When it comes to walking past a financial mess I get a bit squeamish. I guess it brings out a lot of security issues. That is OK. There is work to be done here.

The author Louis Hay claims that illness can be traced back to specific emotional issues. In the case of high blood pressure Hay claims that it is as a result of a long-standing unsolved emotional problem. Makes sense to me! She also gives a mantra to repeat in order to cure the thought pattern. In my case it is “I joyously release the past. I am at peace”.

I like it!